Memorial Day Tribute: A Day in the Life Sunday

Remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, May the soldier or sailor, God keep. On the land or the deep,
Safe in sleep.

Memorial Day Taps.

Memorial Day Tribute by Lisa Rosendahl first appeared on

{Personality Tests} Don't Give Me That "I" !

People are complex, variable and unpredictable. I like to think that we are more sophisticated than any 9-box grid, True Colors or personality test could ever hope to encompass. I feel violated when a marketer gets lucky and I suddenly "need" something I didn't know even existed a few minutes earlier.

Nonetheless, personality tests are part of what we do. I recently took the Myers-Briggs as part of a health care leadership development program.


Photo Credit: iStockPhoto

Photo Credit: iStockPhoto

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) is designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences and is one of the most widely used personality assessments in the world. The scaled preferences focus on four categories:

  • Where you focus your attention: Extraversion - Intraversion
  • The way you take in information: Sensing - Intuition
  • The way you make decisions: Thinking - Feeling
  • How you deal with the outer world: Judging - Perceiving

Now here's the necessary disclaimer: I am not certified to administer or interpret the MBTI. I am just a girl with an opinion, an observation and my own sets of scaled preference numbers. 

In the late 1990s my numbers were: 39-43-13-51.

As an ISTJ, these numbers pegged me as an introverted judgmental human resources professional {Oh, joy!} who preferred to focus on the here and now. If she couldn't see it, feel, it touch it, hear it, or taste it - it didn't exist for her.  She always stuck to the plan.

Today, these numbers still peg me as an ISTJ but one much closer to center: 25-2-7-1. Now, my preferences reflect a slight shift in internal focus (break out the party hats), more intuition and a new-found flexibility. "Spontaneous" may be a bit of a stretch but I do prefer to keep my options open.

You didn't see that coming.

Or did you?

People can develop behaviors, strategies and habits that are not consistent with their MBTI type. I did it myself.

Viva the people!

Numbers can't define a person.

In the space between the numbers, I see life. I see experience, ego and the wisdom of age. I see motherhood. I see relationship. I see desire. I see influence, leadership and a need to be seen. I see writing, speaking and uncomfortable experiences. I see deliberate intention and continuous learning.

You can't 9-box that.

{Personality Tests} Don't Give Me That "I" by Lisa Rosendahl first appeared on