HR Carnival # 11


In HR, we manage the employment relationship from start to finish. You can say that it all begins with an attractive work environment, leading to recruitment and then selection. In the face of tough competition and a very mobile workforce, we strive to retain. We develop systems to support retention, to encourage behaviors that support long term business goals, to provide learning opportunities, to leverage technology, to develop organizational leadership from within, and to address poor performance. And then, we network. With that, the Carnival begins!  Hint: popcorn and peanuts may not be such a bad idea. . . .

Work Environment as a Reward Element  

People spend much of their time at work and it is not all about the work. Ann at Compensation Force reminds us that work environment does matter. The physical and psychic aspects of the workplace can be a very significant element of an organization's total compensation package. Don't underestimate the value of air conditioning in the summer time or the attraction of a collegial and team oriented culture. 

When a job is NOT just a job

Differentiation occurs at the organization level yet it can also occur at the individual manager level. Remember, people leave supervisors, not organizations. Anna at The Engaging Brand offers a SENSEible way to differentiate yourself (or your company) from others through the 'experience' of working for you. Hmmmm, take a look in the mirror. How do you stack up?

Job Search Rule #15 - Follow the Application Directions

You found a company you are interested in working for and you are applying for the job. Great. The company's position posting asks for electronic resumes but you think you can do one better so, instead of e-mailing, you decide to "fed-ex, fax, or send via snail-mail on lovely white resume paper." Think again! You didn't follow directions. Check in with Peggy at The Career Encouragement blog to see your fate. Dismissed!

Title Mania

You are developing your resume. "What do you do if you have an extremely ambiguous position and non fitting job title?" Well, the Evil HR Lady says, "titles don't matter as much as you think they do. Granted, it's an easy way to figure out what someone did at a quick glance but any competent recruiter will know to look beyond title." Title, schmitle. 

i really don't want the job (what not to do during the hiring process)

"Treating people you don't even know like they aren't worth your time will definitely keep you from moving forward in the hiring process."  Deb at 8 hours & a lunch starting thinking about things to do if you do NOT want a job. Pop over for Deb's take on behaviors that will take someone off the short list and derail their chances of receiving an offer. What can you add to the list? Also, thanks to Deb at for the carnival graphic :)

Sales Performance Management - Are You Big Picture or Activity-Driven?

Is tracking behavioral activities that drive results necessary for sales organizations? Kris at The HR Capitalist would "love to see a performance management system where Sales Reps get the annual review and if they make the annual number they are at least a 'Meets.' The rest of the structure would formally emphasize the behaviors that would help them become an 'Exceeds.' " What do you think about that? Let Kris know.  

It is how you develop and learn that is important

Often we hear comments from employees focusing on what development they have not received. "You are your own barrier.....if you want to succeed you can, if you think you won't, you won't." Tuck these inspiring words of wisdom from MabelandHarry away to share with others (or maybe yourself) at just the right moment. 

The Changing Face of Learning and Development

"With the continued rapid increase of global teams which often operate virtually, the way learning and development is delivered is also changing." The impact of technology "is fascinating" to Jennifer Britton at Business Toolkit - The Biz Toolkit. Join her as she contemplates technology, learning and intergenerational management.

How long, oh CEO?

Development is not limited to front line employees. Even at the CEO level, development is critical. "There's a perception that CEOs are not staying as long as they used to.  Is that true?" Wally Bock concludes at Three Star Leadership that there are lots of lessons you can draw from studies of CEO tenure but the most important one is that you'll usually do better growing your own.

Employee Performance, Sacking Poor Performers

"What happens when someone on your team isn't performing well, but you're feeling the brunt of it as you or even other members in your team are picking up the slack? Not sure what to do?" Natalie at The Work Clinic  shares top tips to maximise employee performance to help you to assess your current staff and compare their skills and aptitude against the organisation’s requirements.

Tools that make your life easier #1: Social Networking

"Allow me to let you in on a little secret here - employers H-A-T-E hiring. It is a difficult, time-consuming . . . and it rarely results in the perfect appointment." So, how can your increase your odds that the person you are hiring today is not going to be one of the problems you deal with tomorrow? The answer is social networking. What? Yes, "people are slow to give recommendations unless they are fairly sure of the person they are talking about." Check in with Rowan Manahan at Fortify Your Oasis  for a social networking primer. Awesome!

In closing and in honor of day 5 of my vacation, I leave you with peace. peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work, it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. (unknown)

With that have a great week and don't forget that the July 25th Carnival will be hosted by the Manager at Ask a Manager!