Job Searching in North Carolina

I would like to get a job in Wilmington, NC- however I live in the western part of North Carolina.  I am finding this very difficult.  How does one make this happen?.  Thank you for your help.

I am going to assume, correct me if I am wrong, that you are having difficulty locating sources of opportunities. I am going to direct you to the Society for Human Resource Management website. On this site, they have listings of local HR chapters and HR Career resources  with job listings, career articles and a career guide. A subscription to the local Wilmington paper or even better, a web-based search of the area's on line listings, would also be two places to start.

If you have located the opportunities but are having other difficulties, let me know what they are and I 'd be glad to help. If there are any North Carolina readers with advice to offer on the NC job market, jump in. 

Best of luck!