The Anti-Speaking Demon

A few weeks ago I took on the anti-writing demon and by no means do I have this one under control but I have been making progress. My red Moleskine journal is with me where ever I go so I can jot down and idea when it comes to me. Now, if I would write so I could read it, that would be progress!

I am not thinking about writing today, I am thinking about speaking. A friend sent me a call for presentations and if you are like me (head buried in the organizational sand) you may not know what this is. Well, this is the way the speakers at conferences end up in the brochure and in front of the audience. Calls go out, calls are answered and speakers are selected, unless of course you are established and they call you, but either way . . . process demystified.

So, I am looking at this call for presentations and the topics. There are at least two that I could talk about and with a little of coaching, could make it fun and engaging too. Interested? Check. Topic experience? Check. Proof of performance? Big fat uncheck. No proof of performance means an incomplete application. I don't have any proof of performance because, well, I haven't spoken. Yes, there's a demon involved and she's a tough one!

Not having any proof of performance yet is not the end of the world but it definitely is a swift kick in the shins. Moving forward I will silence the demon, develop my speaking skills and find opportunities to use them. 

If you've taken the leap to speak, what suggestions do you have for me and others? 

What's kicked you in the shins lately and what are you doing about it? 

Let me know by posting a comment or using the feedback widget in the sidebar.


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