Supporting and Spreading New Ideas
/ChangeThis is a site I have been following for a few years now. How can I resist a site dedicated to spreading ideas and changing minds?
No secrets. All sharing.
The site spreads ideas through manifestos. A manifesto is "an argument, a reasoned, rational call to action, supported by logic and facts." It's really rather interesting. People submit 300 word manifesto proposals and readers are given 30 days to vote on the proposals. The authors of the most popular proposals are asked to write their
manifestos to be published on the site.
I stepped up to a challenge and submitted my manifesto, "Grow Up and Lead." At last check before the voting closed, I was a solid third of ten with 1016 votes. Is that enough for my proposal to be deemed "most popular?"
I don't know. What I do know is that I could not have gotten that far without your support. So, 1016 thanks for tweeting, re-tweeting, sharing, liking and linking. Thank you for your encouragement.
Truth be told, I am already a winner and I will write the manifesto either way.
While we wait for the results (there are 61 proposals in the cue) take a few minutes to visit the site and the already published manifestos. Two that caught my attention and resonated with me are (hover to highlight and click to follow the link):
- We Are All Artists Now by Seth Godin
- How to Tell a Story: 10 Simple Strategies by Jonah Sachs
If you were to write your manifesto, what would you say? If you already have one, link to it in the comments!