The Kid Swims: A Day in the Life Sunday

Writing is getting to be a family affair and I am ok with that . . . as long as the kid doesn't write better than I do.

She is creating an autobiography as part of a school project, highlighting some events and thoughts about growing up. I recently shared my new found identity as a swim mom and when I saw what she wrote about swimming, I just had to share it with you.


Beep! You hear the long whistle signaling you to step up on the starting block. You can feel the hum of preface jitters flowing through your body like a wildfire. Minutes ago you were pacing the length of the pool promising yourself no matter what happens you'll be okay. You temporarily calmed yourself down. But now on the block, it all comes back. "What if I sink?" "What if I come in last?" All these thoughts are racing through my head, and more.  Then you hear the distant, "up" as your head plunges into the water.

And that's when the joy of flying begins.

I like to refer to swimming as flying since it has that amazing feeling of floating.  I've loved that sensation since I was a little girl. I have loved on the Mississippi river my entire life so I am used to swimming almost every day. Apparently swimming against the river current worked up some muscles with long names that I can't spell. I knew I wanted to be a swimmer the minute I stepped foot in the water. But I knew I wanted to be a competitive swimmer when my friend started.

I've only been to 2  swim meets since I've only begun swimming recently. I've won 2 heats and came 2nd in my heat in 2 races of 5. The swim meets take place in many different places in Minnesota. Approximately 100 people swim for my swim club ranging in ages from 4 to 34 years old.

One moment stuck in my mind is when I did my first swim meet. I was nervous yet confident for my 50 yard freestyle because I had just come in 3rd in my heat for backstroke. I jumped in the water and swam like my life depended on it, which my ego sorta did. All my work paid off and I was rewarded with my first big win.

I am not sure where I want swimming to be in my future but I know I want to continue with swimming.  I am not sure about it being a full-time job. I just don't want my life dreams to be shattered by losing one race.  I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I find out.

You splash to the wall and turn. Then you make your way through the water desperately trying to finish first. Soon you glide smoothly under water to the finish pad. Even with all the nerves, I know I want to fly forever. 


What do you think? Is she giving me a run for my writing money? In the pool, I don't have a stinkin' chance.

Photo credit iStockPhoto

Deck Pass: A Day in the Life Sunday

The kid has discovered her passion - swimming.

She has competed in 2 swim meets since joining a swim club in December. After spending about 10 hours of sitting knee-to-back on hard metal bleachers, observing usually quiet moms screaming at the tops of their lungs <it's always the quiet ones> and being enveloped in air too warm for comfort I have one thing to say:

She absolutely has to continue.

She has to continue not because my pride overflows each time I see her quell her fears, step on the starting block and channel her years of swimming in the river into a smooth, solid stroke to compete with a handshake and a smile.

She has to continue not because it is a life long sport, because this is where friendships are made, or because she is growing stronger, sleeker and faster with each practice.

She has to continue because my new found identity as a swim mom is firmly attached to it.

Hanging with the other parents, cheering the kids on down the lanes <faster, faster, breathe, smooth turn, way to go!> and comparing individual times against standards at the final stretch of each race, I am getting my swim on.

For this group of parents, it's about each kid doing their best and getting better. No intimidating jeers only roof-raising cheers and encouragement.

And, swim moms have apps, too. Want to maintain your kid's races and times at your fingertips for all eternity? Turns out there's a USA Swimming Deck Pass app for that.

My daughter is much stronger across the board than I ever was at her age. How lucky am I to get to enjoy each and every day with this beautiful little girl I am blessed to have as my daughter.

All that aside, in my 2-meet swim mom opinion, she could turn those arms over just a little faster.

Photo credit iStockphoto