Trust and HR

The workplace today is more challenging than ever before. Leaders determined to address these challenges must first assess reality.​ And that includes looking in the mirror.



In Bracing for Change, a report from the Partnership for Public Service, federal human capital leaders were surveyed about talent management challenges facing their organizations. Each chief human capital officer (CHCO) was asked about the issues they faced. Lack of key HR competencies made the list.

When asked how agency leadership viewed it’s HR staff, 42% of the chief human capital officers (CHCO) surveyed said they and their staff were viewed as a trusted business advisor to a “great” or “very great” extent – down from two years ago (46%). However, 25 % said “not at all” or “to a limited extent,” up 8 percentage points from 2 years ago, a significant shift. The percentage of CHCOs who said leadership viewed them as a trusted advisor to a “moderate extent” (33%) was down 3 percentage points over that same period.

That's alarming.​ And it's real.

We live in a world where the end justifies the means: professionals overstate accomplishments, students inflate GPAs or fabricate degrees, employees use sick leave when they are not really sick and human resource leaders are not immune.

Before you say, "not me," know that it is the collective all of us. What have you observed leaders do that jeopardize trust? What are you going to do today to restore trust in your organization?​

2 Leadership Topics That Keep Me Awake at Night

What keeps you awake at night?



I thought about this question <lying awake one night> and two topics, drawn from my dog-eared pages of HR From the Outside In, were clearly top of mind for me: trust and delivering results.

First, there can be no leadership or professional impact without trust. Second, the quality of a relationship alone is not enough to develop and susatin credibility. Credibility is based on business contribution.

I value my sleep so I was thrilled to be able to get out of my head and into the airwaves on Drive Thru HR with hosts Bryan Wempen and William Tincup. What's so great about these lunch time conversations is that Bryan and William take me in new directions and leave me thinking after my 30 minutes are over.  We covered ground on:

  • Delivering results v. being busy
  • Being reactive v. proactive
  • Time management and meeting
  • Aligning results with goals
  • What it would take for HR to be disruptive
  • Building trust and organizational values

Listen and learn why my new leadership mantra is "don't coddle me."

Listen to internet radio with Wempen and Tincup on Blog Talk Radio

Can you relate or am I the only one that gets hit between the eyes with these things? Don't stop there, click over to check out the archives of Drive Thru HR past guests. I value every minute of my time with these guys and I know you will too.