My Heart for Yours - One Year Later

My husband had heart surgery one year ago today.

He has had an amazing recovery with his capstone achievement last month - completing his first in-line skating marathon, the Northshore Inline Skate Marathon from Two Harbors to Duluth. It follows the Grandma's Marathon route. He finished it in 1:48 with an average speed of 15 MPH. His goal was to beat 2 hours - goal met!

Below is what I posted last year: 

My husband had open heart surgery this week. He had a valve and part of his aorta replaced. A congenital defect discovered in an otherwise healthy man. A big deal, a very big deal.

All turned out well and he is coming home today - 4 days post-op. Amazing how quickly the body can recover from such trauma. Unbelievable what a great surgeon can do. Gratifying what support a solid health care organization to provide to the family.

Amazing then. Still amazing now.

"Yeah, buts" No Longer Welcome On My Runs

How come I can't mention or talk about a run without qualifying it with a "yeah, but" in some way? Either my run was slow but steady, not as fast as last time, slower than so-and-so's, tougher than usual, shorter than it should have been, yada yada, the list goes on.

Starting today, I will share my run, map my run, enjoy my run, quit my run, but I will not "yeah, but"  my run. Hear that head? Keep the eyes on the road, look straight ahead and enjoy.

Now, if I only got out there and ran more often . . . .yup, this will be a tough habit to break. Makes me wonder what else I am "yeah, butting" about.

How about you?