A Little Help From My (HR) Friends
/I sent the following e-mail to a number of fellow HR Managers/professionals in the local area who provided me with valuable - no, critical - salary information last November:
Hi Tony, I have been remiss in thanking you for the information you sent me for our salary survey at the end of the year. As you can probably appreciate, I am actually just finally finishing up on my proposals since so much seems to get in the way each and every day. As I had anticipated, we were behind the market in many of our occupations and with your help, have been able to close that gap a little more. Our new scales are not yet completed but if you are interested in seeing how they settled out, please let me know and, as promised, I will send them to you.
I really could not do what I need to do with salary surveys without your assistance so I want you to know that from me to you, I really do appreciate it.
As I was sending them to each of the 9 participants, it struck me that I really could not accomplish what I do without the support of other HR colleagues. Competing businesses aside, we really are all in this together. So, to HR colleagues everywhere - cheers to you!