Jump in. Log On. Be Inspired.

We live in a world today full of energy, connections and endless possibilities.

Interested in writing? Follow a writer as she writes her book, develops her column or uses her words to inspire others. Interested in travel? Subscribe to a travel blog, connect to a traveler or direct message a travel tipster. Cell phone, IPhone, Blackberry? Picture, e-mail, video applications? Someone out there is testing them, using them and writing about them. Someone is giving them away. Going into business on your own? You are not alone.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I am not particularly comfortable or confident in this online world. I have been blogging for just over 2 years, twittering just a few months and still playing with Facebook. To say I feel 2 steps behind, on a good day, is generous. Yet, I have no intention of jumping off the grid any time soon.

I am jumping in with both feet and invite you to join me. Why? There are amazing possibilities online. There are people from different professions, backgrounds, time zones and generations. They bring their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and questions. They are generous and curious. Don't be surprised, but they are looking for you too.

Talk about unprecedented reach.

Jump in. Log On. Be inspired.