In Need of a Pitch
/ Help! I am (stuck) in an elevator, without a pitch. Fortunately, I signed up for 31 Days to Build a Better Blog at ProBlogger. Our first assignment was to write an elevator pitch for your blog. So, here I am in the elevator minding my own business (looking at people's shoes) and Red Recruiter wants to talk to me about my blog. What do I say? "Hmmm. I am working on it. I'll get back to you on Floor 57?!"
My space has a lot to do with transformation in HR and in personal leadership, learning from experiences, valuing communication, being authentic and getting to the heart of the matter.
Floor 20 coming next!
People matter but you, as a leader matter more, and leaders need to take care of themselves. It's about bringing "you" to the table - the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. The human condition is the best condition to be in - no hype, no gloss, all real.
Doors opening at Floor 32!
It's about building, it's about connecting. It's about joining Jessica Lee in bringing sexy and cool back to HR. Jessica can take care of this on her own and she's not asking for help but if she should happen to start a movement, I am there! It's about bringing cool back to the government.
Next stop Floor 41.
It's about getting (and keeping) me in the game when I would be much more comfortable hanging out in the backyard hammock reading a book by myself. It's about providing a space where others can comment on my ideas, share their own and move the conversation forward. It's about me learning to write better and finding the chord that resonates with others.
Going up!
My space is about a lot of things and I am not yet able to pin it down to 10 words or less. But I am working on defining it. It may not happen this week, or this month and definitely not by the end of this post but I know that I will know it when I see it. Until it changes again.
Floor 57. Time to exit the elevator.
Fun ride. Maybe it just simply is all about the journey.