Keys to Success for Entry Level HR Pros

If you were asked to offer a piece of advice to entry-level HR professionals, what would you say?

Would you talk about saying "yes" to anything that comes your way? Would you tell them to actively listen, ask questions like crazy and understand why before recommending a change? How about learning the business of the business? Would joining a local SHRM chapter and networking like mad make your list?

Well, I was asked this very question by Ben Eubanks, Mr. Upstart HR. He is developing the "ultimate guide" for entry level HR professionals as a resource to help those who are just stepping into (or thinking about stepping into) our profession and was seeking tidbits of advice.

My tidbit is this:

Don't be lulled into believing your education ends with your degree. Your education is just beginning. No one HR gig will expose you to the full realm of HR so study for your Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) as soon as you are eligible to understand the full context within which you are operating. In HR From the Outside In, the authors note, "The domain in which HR tends to be the weakest is in understanding and applying technology to build HR efficiency, to leverage social networking, and to manage the flow of strategic information." Dig into HR technology and be the advocate and educator for your organization.

Wondering what others had to say? Well, wonder no more. Check out the Entry Level HR Jobs Ultimate Guide for info on places to find jobs, job descriptions, salary Ranges,career resources and more tips from the pros. Enjoy!

What piece of advice would you add?

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