A Mish-Mash of Apps
/One year ago today, give or take a few, the first major Apple product crossed the threshold of our home. Today, my iPad2 is competing for charging space with an iPhone, iPodTouch and a new iPad Mini.
We love the products but I know we are not using them to their full potential. I appreciate the over 250,000 apps available but it's overwhelming. I am always on the look out for ways to increase my productivity.
Here are a few of the apps I am bouncing between. (Click app titles for links.)
- Reading: I am using Google Reader and Mr. Reader for RSS subscriptions. I like the Mr. Reader interface. When I find something on the web I want to read later, I am adding it to my iPad reading list.
- Writing: I am wandering amongst apps here - Moleskine and Evernote are downloaded but I still reach for pen and paper when I have thoughts to capture. I am not posting directly to the blogs and still use Word as my go to program but I am making the leap to Pages this weekend.
- Files: I am starting to work with Google Drive and Drop Box.
- Contacts: Between Verizon Backup Assist, Google Contacts, Google Contacts Sync and iCloud, I can't keep my lists straight to save my life.
I have yet to find my optimal grouping of apps for reading, writing and file storage. What works for you? What is one app you can't live without?