Graduation: A Day in the Life Sunday

It seem like just yesterday that we left the hospital with our brand new baby girl and then were attending our first parent teacher conference. And today, our little girl is finishing up another year of school.

Tarah 6th Grade Graduate.jpg

Where did the time go?​ In six short years, graduation will be for real. She'll be taking one giant step out of high school and another into the rest of her life. There are so many thoughts in my head right now and so many things I want to say to her along the lines of, "Do this, don't do that, follow your heart, lead with your head and remember, you will always be my little girl."

There's so much more to say and, thanks to my friend Sarah White, here are a few excerpts from a Huff Post Parents article, 10 Things I Want My Daughter To Know Before She Turns 10, that captures every mother's thoughts so well:  

  1. It is not your job to keep the people you love happy.  Not me, not Daddy, not your brother, not your friends.  I promise, it's not. The hard truth is that you can't, anyway.
  2. It is okay to disagree with me, and others. You are old enough to have a point of view, and I want to hear it.  So do those who love you.
  3. You are so very beautiful. Your face now holds the baby you were and the young woman you are rapidly becoming.

This is just the beginning. Way to go kiddo!​ I am so very proud of you.

The Daily Grind: A Day in the Life Sunday

A middle-schooler waking up Monday morning wishing it was Saturday is one thing - asking to stay home Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is another. Concerned, I  asked mine what was up. With a teary-eyed reply, "Momma, I'm stressed," I quickly realized the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.


Early morning wake-ups and after school activities were leaving the kid with little down time and she was just keeping up with her homework. She was one study hall away from falling behind and worried about it all the time. So, we talked.

After gently pointing out that there was no reason for her to not have her homework done after a four-day weekend, we talked about non-negotiables (school and sleep). We talked about the sports and after-school activities she was in and we talked about  choice. Did she want to discontinue an activity or sport? The choice was hers.

I then thought about how I move through my days and how I approach work, workload, and the daily grind. It's no wonder she wasn't handling school, homework and her flurry of activities well. She looked around her for guidance and didn't have a positive example to follow.

I'd like to say I'll change tomorrow and become less of whatever it is that keeps me wrapped so tight but that's not realistic.

What is realistic is that I pause more often, do whatever I need to do to unwind so I can be present at home and remember that my little girl needs me to always be aware of her, her life and all that happens in it.

There is nothing more sobering than seeing your choices reflected in the tears of your child.