The Daily Grind: A Day in the Life Sunday

A middle-schooler waking up Monday morning wishing it was Saturday is one thing - asking to stay home Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is another. Concerned, I  asked mine what was up. With a teary-eyed reply, "Momma, I'm stressed," I quickly realized the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.


Early morning wake-ups and after school activities were leaving the kid with little down time and she was just keeping up with her homework. She was one study hall away from falling behind and worried about it all the time. So, we talked.

After gently pointing out that there was no reason for her to not have her homework done after a four-day weekend, we talked about non-negotiables (school and sleep). We talked about the sports and after-school activities she was in and we talked about  choice. Did she want to discontinue an activity or sport? The choice was hers.

I then thought about how I move through my days and how I approach work, workload, and the daily grind. It's no wonder she wasn't handling school, homework and her flurry of activities well. She looked around her for guidance and didn't have a positive example to follow.

I'd like to say I'll change tomorrow and become less of whatever it is that keeps me wrapped so tight but that's not realistic.

What is realistic is that I pause more often, do whatever I need to do to unwind so I can be present at home and remember that my little girl needs me to always be aware of her, her life and all that happens in it.

There is nothing more sobering than seeing your choices reflected in the tears of your child.

Mixing it Up: A Day in the Life Sunday

The best way to solve a problem is to not over think it. As someone with a mind on overdrive, I am on the lookout for ways to slow myself - and my thoughts - down. 



To my tried and true list of ways to slow down my thoughts, I now add cooking.  The holiday season was a flurry culinary creations: prime rib, peanut butter blossoms, white cheddar Mac and cheese, monkey bread and egg and hash brown casserole. Now, I am on the lookout out for mini-Dutch ovens for the chicken pot pies I have my cooking eye on. 

It's crazy, I know. I can't explain it myself. I haven't solved any major problems yet but breaking and beating eggs does have a certain appeal. Art imitates life and the undercooked monkey bread reflects my impatience but I am a work in progress. 

It's really about hitting the pause button.  Michael Hyatt wrote about the space between the stimulus and response and I am close to cracking the cover on The Pause Principle. There is something to slowing down and stopping to pause for effective leadership, self preservation and, in my house now, culinary adventures.

What is your reset button? And, what's your favorite thing to bake?